Speed Gardening Guerilla

From Ludocity
Speed Gardening Guerilla
Designer: Michael Straeubig
Year: unknown
Players: 3-81
Stuff required: Plant seedlings.
Crew required: One.
Preparation: One day.
Time required: From one day to a couple of days.
Place required: Urban area with gardenable places.
Activities: Hiding, sneaking, spying, mid-term
This is a playable game - it's finished, tested and ready to play.
This game is made available under an Attribution-Noncommercial Creative Commons licence. (What does this mean?)

Speed Gardening Guerilla (SGG) is a Guerrilla Gardening game. It is a short-term variant of the original Gardening Guerrilla which takes place during 4-6 months. SGG is played in a number of rounds of 24 hours each. Players score by planting and by stealing plants from their opponents. Speed Gardening Guerilla is suitable for game environments where players can enter and exit the game at will.


The moderator specifies the number of 24-hour-rounds and the exact play area. The play area should be large enough that players can act autonomously without necessarily meeting other factions. However, encounters should be possible and players must be are able to discover and spy on each other.

The moderator also prepares a number of small plants / seedlings that are appropriate for the season and suitable for the planting sites that players might find in that area. Seeds are not recommended due to germination time.

Examples for robust plants suitable for frequent re-planting are:

Boxwood (Buxus sempervirens)
Conifers, e.g. cypress (Cupressaceae)
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia, Lavandula stoechas)

You need some material to label the plants as well. A scoreboard is recommend, as well as faction badges for the players.

Sgg player buttons.png

Game Starts

Players who are present at the start of the game join one of three factions, so their member count is roughly equal. You may give the factions funny names like:

  1. Red Faction: LPI ("Local Plant Initiative")
  2. Green Faction: SoS ("Sisterhood of Stem")
  3. Blue Faction: "Leafz"

The players should have access to a map of the game area and to the rules of the game. Each player gets a badge or colored marker that shows their faction.

Each faction is handed one initial seedling. They are given appropriate time (two hours are suggested) to plant the first seedling within the game area.


The game then proceeds in rounds of 24 hours each. During a round, a faction can make the following moves:


A faction plants their seedlings in one or more places ("planting spots") in the play area.

A planting spot should enable your plants to grow without mutual disturbance but be identifiable as one continuous location (i.e. not exceed, say, 1 - 2 meters in diameter for a couple of plants).

When a faction has planted the seedlings they currently possess they may ask the moderator for the next batch of seedlings (see #Plant distribution). Plants received from the moderator can either be added to an existing planting spot or used to open a new one.

Moving plants

A faction may relocate one of their planting spots at any time. All plants at a particular location (the planting spot) must be moved together, and planted in a single new location.

Take one plant from their opponents

A faction may steal one plant from a rival planting spot, add it to one of their own spots by planting it next to their own plant and removing the enemy label. This plant becomes one of their own. Note that you must add a stolen plant to a spot of yours that already exists. The relocation of this plant must be finished before you can take the next plant.

Plant distribution

Each time a faction has planted all the seedlings they have received, they may ask the moderator for a new set. The moderator supplies the remaining plants according to a Fibonacci-Series (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, ...). This goes on until all plants are distributed. Each plant carries a label with the name/color of the faction that receives the plant.

Rounds and Reporting

A game round takes 24 hours. After each round there is a Guerilla meeting. While it is recommended that all players come together, each faction must send at least one representative to the meeting. For scoring purposes, each faction reports two numbers:

  1. S: the number of their current planting spots
  2. P: the number of plants in their largest spot

These numbers are published immediately on the scoreboard.

Other activities that take place in the meeting are: Scoring, discussion of the game and introduction of new players. Players must join a faction when entering the game. It is also appreciated that players who wish to leave the game do this during the meeting. If somebody decides to stop playing, they may not re-enter the game afterwards.

The moderator may also announce special events and rules changes, distribute more plants etc. during the meeting.

Game ends

The winner of the game is determined during the final meeting.

The faction with highest score of S * N wins, i.e. the number of planting spots multiplied by the number of plants in their largest spot.

The players also might want to tour the planting sites together and the moderator may award other prizes, such as: aesthetic criteria, ingenious planting spots, the most ecological faction, or the most creative guerrilla strategy.


The players within a faction should come to an agreement on the best strategy for choosing the numnber and locations of their planting locations, bearing in mind the scoring, the chance of being detected, etc.

For each plant, always move plant and marker and keep those two together. Markers keep their mark during the game.

Avoid having only one planting spot, as you are stuck with it.

Ground rules

Players are allowed to:-

  • Lead other teams astray.
  • Try to bribe other players to find out their planting locations.
  • Establish rigorous surveillance.
  • Use arduino-based plant detection super devices.

Players are not allowed to:-

  • Split one of their planting spots
  • Move more than one enemy plant at any given time.
  • Open a new planting spot with an enemy plant. Enemy plants must be added to existing spots. Exception: if you dont have any spots, you can use an enemy plant to open your only one spot.
  • Destroy any plants including other teams' plants.
  • Submit false information to the moderator or mislead the moderator in any way.
  • Use seedlings or other plants which were not given out by the moderator in order to submit them for the game count. (They can plant other plants for camouflage etc.)
  • Move plants outside of the playing area.
  • Travel through the playing area with a flamethrower.
  • Kidnap the moderator to learn the whereabouts of other faction.

Planting sites must be accessible to all players. (For example, seeds may not be planted in an enclosed space to which only certain players have a key.)

Each game move must be carried out in one action. For example, it is not permitted to excavate and temporarily store an opposing team's plant before replanting it. Another example: factions can only steal one plant at a time. After adding the plant however, they can visit the enemy plantation again to get the next plant.

Treat all plants, including enemy plants with respect. Avoid any negative impact on plants, soil and other facilities and inhabitants in the game area.

If players are in doubt about the application of these rules, they should talk to the moderator. The moderator may move plants or exclude players, as a result of rules being broken. The decision of the moderator is final.

About the Name

"Speed Gardening Guerilla" is the German name for "Speed Gardening Guerrilla" - as a fact German guerilleros have to cope with the missing "r" for a long time. Looking for that "r" would be tedious though.

Handout Map For Berlin


Handout Rule Set
