Upload log
From Ludocity
Below is a list of the most recent file uploads. See the gallery of new files for a more visual overview.
(newest | oldest) View (newer 50 | older 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)- 22:41, 5 August 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Thingradio.png (Original design by User:Kevan, speaker clipart from http://www.wpclipart.com/recreation/entertainment/music/speaker.png.html)
- 22:23, 5 August 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Blood.jpg (A close-up of some blood cells from http://flickr.com/photos/mussels/1445354267 (an image released under Creative Commons Attribution No-Derivs).)
- 23:14, 3 August 2008 Mink ette talk contribs uploaded File:Apple.jpg
- 12:05, 2 August 2008 Holly talk contribs uploaded File:Cake signs.png
- 12:01, 2 August 2008 Holly talk contribs uploaded File:Cake signs.doc
- 11:06, 2 August 2008 Holly talk contribs uploaded File:Cakes.jpg (Two ice-cream cakes.)
- 12:05, 31 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Folder.png (Public domain clipart from http://www.wpclipart.com/office/schedule.png.html)
- 22:58, 30 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Conversationpiece.jpg (Taken from the attribution-noncommercial-cc'd http://flickr.com/photos/several_bees/2482989547. It's an actual photo of Conversation Piece being played.)
- 09:48, 30 July 2008 Halalkebabhut talk contribs uploaded File:ConvPieceScripts.zip (Scripts for the GK Chestertons Conversation Piece)
- 09:25, 30 July 2008 Halalkebabhut talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:Ex1.jpg (opening phrases example)
- 09:24, 30 July 2008 Halalkebabhut talk contribs uploaded File:Ex2.jpg (Conversation table example)
- 09:20, 30 July 2008 Halalkebabhut talk contribs uploaded File:Ex1.jpg (Opening Phrases example)
- 15:19, 27 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:Badge Staghunt.png (Squarifying.)
- 15:17, 27 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Badge Staghunt.png (Public domain clipart, taken from http://www.wpclipart.com/animals/D/deer/deer_4.png.html)
- 15:11, 27 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Runningman.png (Public domain clipart taken from http://www.wpclipart.com/recreation/miscellaneous/running_symbol.png.html)
- 10:51, 27 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Mexicanstandoff.jpg (Taken from http://flickr.com/photos/alexerde/461916684/ (released under Creative Commons Attribution).)
- 14:50, 24 July 2008 Holly talk contribs uploaded File:Bees.jpg (Picture (by Kevan Davis) of people playing Bees at Hide and Seek 2008.)
- 22:56, 23 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Crowdblur.jpg (Taken from http://flickr.com/photos/victoriapeckham/164175205/, which was released under a creative commons Attribution licence.)
- 15:47, 23 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Pointing.jpg (Taken from http://flickr.com/photos/denisdefreyne/927386065, which was released under an Attribution Creative Commons licence.)
- 15:26, 23 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Mountainlion.jpg (Taken from http://flickr.com/photos/eliya/419505305/, which was released under an Attribution Creative Commons licence.)
- 09:44, 23 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Rpstag.jpg (Rock-Paper-Scissors Tag, taken from http://www.deepfun.com/rps.html and used with permission of Bernie DeKoven.)
- 12:51, 18 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Staghunt2.jpg (Photo taken from http://www.flickr.com/photos/93727562@N00/1787818961/in/set-72157602667919965/, which was released under an Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike Creative Commons licence. We redistribute the image under that same licence. )
- 21:21, 17 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Tenofdiamonds.jpg (Taken from http://flickr.com/photos/abulic_monkey/724306411/, which was released under an Attribution Creative Commons licence. This image is rereleased under that licence.)
- 16:40, 17 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Trolleymud.jpg (This image is a modified version of http://flickr.com/photos/fotologic/243362568, released under an Attribution Creative Commons licence, and is re-released under that same licence.)
- 16:07, 17 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Postcard.jpg (Taken from http://flickr.com/photos/teresa-stanton/495685057, which was released under CC Attribution 2.0 Generic. Rereleased under that same licence.)
- 12:28, 17 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Hand-to-hand-handouts.png (A thumbnail of the Hand to Hand cards and rules.)
- 12:28, 17 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Hand to hand handouts.zip (.doc format rules and card lists for Hand to Hand. Released under an Attribution Non-Commercial Creative Commons licence.)
- 12:13, 17 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Handtohand.jpg (Photo of the author's own cards.)
- 11:22, 17 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:Wednesday.jpg (Improved version.)
- 11:31, 16 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Publicdomain.png (Original artwork.)
- 20:30, 15 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:At a secret mission.jpg (Photo "At A Secret Mission" taken from http://flickr.com/photos/garibaldi/464514012/, released under a Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works Creative Commons licence.)
- 19:53, 15 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Wednesday.jpg (A card from The Man Who Was Thursday. Own photo.)
- 16:57, 15 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Exclamation.png (Public domain image from http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:Achtung.svg)
- 14:49, 15 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Stop sign.png (Public domain - taken from http://openclipart.org/media/files/Anonymous/7236)
- 14:39, 15 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Cctv.jpg (Taken from http://flickr.com/photos/coda/26790211/, which was made available under a Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike Creative Commons licence. Ludocity releases the image under the same licence.)
- 14:28, 15 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Deadcard.jpg (Image taken from http://www.flickr.com/photos/abulic_monkey/736398022/, released under an Attribution Creative Commons licence.)
- 14:21, 15 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Staghunt.jpg (Photo taken from http://www.flickr.com/photos/93727562@N00/1788672016/in/set-72157602667919965/, which was released under an Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike Creative Commons licence. We redistribute the image under that same licence.)
- 14:15, 15 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Wiffle.jpg (Photo taken from http://www.flickr.com/photos/myklroventine/1325746773/, which was released under an Attribution Creative Commons licence.)
- 14:09, 15 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Portmeiron.jpg (Taken from http://flickr.com/photos/indigogoat/191673892, made available under an Attribution Creative Commons licence.)
- 14:03, 15 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Thumbup.gif (Public domain clipart.)
- 13:30, 15 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Dancing.jpg (Image taken unmodified from http://flickr.com/photos/fcb/518739955/, released under an Attribution Sharealike licence. We release the image under that same licence.)
- 13:24, 15 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Birdsong.jpg (Photo from http://flickr.com/photos/richteabiscuit/483064861/, released under an Attribution Sharealike licence. We reissue the image under the same licence.)
- 13:15, 15 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Envelope.jpg (Taken from http://flickr.com/photos/zappowbang/2048577203/ - released under an Attribution CC licence.)
- 13:11, 15 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:Pvphandouts.gif (Adding transparency.)
- 13:08, 15 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Cc-by-nc.png (Taken from http://creativecommons.org/presskit, and used "solely to point to a Creative Commons license or Commons deed on the Creative Commons server or otherwise uses it to describe the Creative Commons license that applies to a particular work".)
- 11:37, 15 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Trapstreet paper.jpg (Photograph of Trap Street taken by Holly Gramazio and used with permission.)
- 11:30, 15 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Trapstreet.jpg (Photo by Holly Gramazio - used with permission.)
- 09:50, 15 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Pvphandout.doc (Word document handouts for Poets versus Policemen.)
- 09:50, 15 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Pvphandouts.gif (Thumbnail of handouts for Poets versus Policemen.)
- 09:19, 15 July 2008 Kevan talk contribs uploaded File:Poets versus.jpg (Photo by Kevan Davis - released as attribution-non-commercial at http://flickr.com/photos/kevandotorg/2482817768)