Common game mechanics

From Ludocity
Revision as of 17:22, 12 June 2009 by Kevan (talk | contribs) (adding "named cards" and "werewolf"; there are a few ways to approach this)

This is a page to list simple mechanics to solve common game design problems.

Secretly assigning players

Suppose you need to designate one or more players to a certain role, in a way that is secret from other players, but transparent to you. You also probably don't want the players to be able to prove or disprove whether they were assigned to the role, during the game - if denying that you're a Killer Robot is a dramatic and important part of the game, you don't want the players to be able to flash their original identity cards as a bulletproof defence, during an argument.


The basic Werewolf approach is to deal an identity card to each player, tell them not to let anyone else see, and then let the werewolves identify one another by telling everyone to close their eyes, and then telling the werewolves to open theirs. Players can check their cards during the game.

This is fine for a casual tabletop game (where the presence of the moderator is usually enough to discourage peeking while the werewolves are identifying themselves), but it doesn't work in a roaming pervasive game, where the players can easily sneak off to compare cards.

Red and black cards

Sort out as many ordinary playing cards as there are players. Deal them round the table, ensuring you know which players are getting the red cards (e.g. put the red cards at the top or bottom of the deck).

Don't explain what's going on; just ask the players to memorise their card without letting anyone else see it; then collect all the cards; then announce that whoever had a red card is designated as a traitor/werewolf/whatever.

Named cards

Sometimes you'll want the players with the secret roles to know each other's identity, so that they can work together.

Night of the Vampire gave every player a card with a mediaeval profession on it; the two vampires players were also slipped a note saying "You are a vampire! The other vampire is the butcher/baker. Destroy this note." (and the other players weren't alerted to the fact that the vampires would have been passed a note). Once everyone had read their card, they were asked to introduce themselves to the other villagers, and could keep their card for reference for the remainder of the game.