Talk:Press Gang

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Revision as of 15:21, 15 December 2008 by Kevan (talk | contribs) (New page.)
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Kevan said:

Looks good; simple at first glance, but with a lot of complexity underneath, the more that I think about strategies. Fantastic theme, as well, particularly the flashbulbs. I imagine it probably needs a playtest to shake out the ideal numbers for the card distributions, but they feel about right.

Having the players reveal unclear cards feels a bit fourth-wall breaking, though, for a game with such a great sense of in-character drama. Could you insist that the journalists use the exact title of the card in their question? Or did you want to encourage some strategy in deliberate obliqueness? (If I make my question an obscure "look, we both know what I'm talking about here" thing, and don't give any big details, then whoever gets the card later in the game will find it harder to make the connection to the card I still have in my hand.)

And oh, who does the scoring - the person running the game?