Counter-Surveillance Drill

From Ludocity
Revision as of 12:37, 14 October 2021 by Kevan (talk | contribs) (rewrite microfilms as "intel")
Counter-Surveillance Drill
Designer: Kevan Davis
Year: unknown
Players: 1+
Stuff required: None
Crew required: None
Preparation: None
Time required: Any
Place required: A town or city.
Activities: Sneaking.
This is a playable game - it's finished, tested and ready to play.
This game is made available under an Attribution-Noncommercial Creative Commons licence. (What does this mean?)

Collecting and delivering dead drops left by nobody, while enemy agents try to pinpoint your location. Third in the "Drill" series, after Urban Zombie Drill and Martian Attack Drill.


Benches and chairs with a single person sitting at them, and which have space for you to join them, are pick-up points. So is anybody standing by themselves as if waiting for someone. So are newspapers discarded on empty tables or chairs. Walking past such a location (you needn't actually sit down) gives you one piece of Intel, and you can only carry one at a time.

Postboxes, empty phoneboxes and computer keyboards are drop-off points. If you're carrying a piece of Intel and pass one, you lose the Intel and score a point.

The game is divided into "Areas", each Area being a street, a building, a park or a plaza.

Anybody you notice who is talking into a phone is an enemy Agent reporting your position. If you spot an Agent in an Area, that entire Area (the entire length of the street, or the whole of the building or park) is now Under Surveillance. If you are in an Area which has fallen Under Surveillance and spot a second Agent inside it, then the enemy has pinpointed your position and if you are carrying Intel, it is removed from you and destroyed.

Areas stop being Under Surveillance once you have left them and put at least one other Area's distance between yourself and the surveilled Area. You can't pick up or drop off Intel in an Area which is Under Surveillance.

Play until you reach a pre-decided score, or see how much Intel you can drop off before a deadline of your choosing.


In a group, either play competitive solo games, or team up. When teaming up, decide who takes each piece of Intel - other team members can safely scout nearby areas without being captured.

See also