Talk:Rocket Science

From Ludocity

Old forum comments

(The Ludocity website previously had integrated forums, but they fell into spam-covered decline and were shut down in 2015. The comments in this section have been automatically converted from that forum.)

Great theme, and good to see a game encouraging solid, representative props.

I'm not sure I see the need for the rule about claiming cards and parts from other players, though - doesn't this mean that everyone's best strategy is just to constantly demand stuff from every other player they can find? Or, at least, to hang around the laboratory and grab any rocket parts that people carry out? It seems like the secret allegiances - and the potential for cautious, clever information-sharing - would get lost in the noise, when it's easier just to steal from everyone you meet.

I really like the allegiance aspect - most games tend to only have a couple of clear "traitors", and it's good to see something that puts every player in the same position. Are you imagining the scientists starting off in two clear teams (with half of each team secretly belonging to the other), or just mingling around independently? --Kevan (talk) 2009-07-01 19:58:53

Sounds pretty cool. I remember once playing a game involving point scores for various items, and the highest coring item was a full-sized cone. It was pretty funny seeing people trying to hide cones behind their backs. That's why I love real props. To make it harder, perhaps the equations themselves can be coloured: not the cards. I'd love to play this someday. --Peads (talk) 2009-07-03 13:41:56

Good call - it'd certainly add a bit of depth to be able to trade cards unseen.

Further to that, if the equations couldn't be paired up at a glance, and actually took a bit of work to verify a match (maybe equations are only valid if they have no symbols in common on either side), players could try to con each other into swapping cards without having time to check them properly. It'd also give a nice, rocket-science "eureka!" moment to confirming a pair. --Kevan (talk) 2009-07-03 14:03:30